Monday, July 20, 2009

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2009

This week we had some baby watermelons start to grow, squash continuing to flower, and many delicious tomatoes and jalapenos to harvest! After creating some zinnia bouquets, we watered, weeded, identified some plants and then headed in to make some nachos. The fresh salsa we made tasted wonderful added to chips and cheese. It "wasn't nearly as nasty as (they) thought it would be."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

punkin city

The pumpkins have taken over! Next year we will have to remember to plant less and possibly quarantine them to their own pool because they were taking over the peppers. Last week one of the students "J-roll" couldn't stand the thought of "sacrificing a pumpkin" so he planted it in the mulch pile and its actually growing. This week we tied up some more tomatoes, moved a few peppers and tried to wrangle the pumpkin/squash. We also made a couple of nice bouquets with the marigolds and the zinnias.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Although we missed last week and it seems the garden really benefited from our absence. The pumpkins were growing up the fence!! We tried to pull some out and sacrifice them for the good of the garden, but the kids weren't having it so we planted them in the mulch pile.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

WHOA spring growth

Wow, the spring rains are making things really grow. Those Chinese greens ended up being prickly and huge and that big white guy is a Chinese radish.


The awesome folks at Wash U's kumquat garden done schooled us on how to build an awesome compost pile and now all those suckers (the tomato kind) are composting like crazy!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring time = plants!

Last Tuesday we started getting things in the ground in time for good rains. We planted a bunch of peppers, 5 tomato plants (with large stakes), zinnia, and seeds: pumpkin, nasturtium, marigold, and a few watermelons. Sounds totally haphazard, but its going to be rad.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

2009 spring start: totally awesome

we had a lot of weeds blow in over the winter, so we got started by pulling those out.
we also had some trouble with the soil drying out so we added a bunch of great potting mix from south side garden spot.
we mixed that well as the sun went down and planted some spring veggies. we got a lot done the first night because we had a great crew.